Monday, July 29, 2013

The Two Secret Components To Sales Success

There are two disciplines that will yield amazing results when applied daily. They will help you overcome any obstacles or challenges that are put in your path. If you can master these two disciplines, there is nothing you can’t accomplish.
The first is the development of faith in you, which can produce staggering results. I am talking about the faith and the determination never to quit. Have the faith to repeat the right disciplines and actions long enough, and with enough intensity, to win.

Your self-image is housed in your subconscious mind. Your subconscious doesn’t evaluate the information you put in it. It only tries to create reality out of what you put into it. If you are allowing the negative to enter your subconscious mind unfiltered, you will begin to focus your self-image on the negative that you allow into your subconscious mind.
To create a strong self-image or self-faith you must work diligently to feed your subconscious mind with positive thoughts, ideas, and goals to achieve. You can do this through books, audiocassettes, experiences, coaching, affirmations, and seminars. The world will gladly fill your mental make-up with negatives. Work to combat the negatives by placing positive thoughts and images in your mind every day.

As Zig Ziglar says, “Let’s do a ‘check up from the neck up.’” How often are you reading great books? Are you listening to compact discs in the car daily? Do you have affirmations that you are pounding into your subconscious mind daily? Do you have a career or personal success coach? If you aren’t doing these activities regularly, you are probably not reaching your peak performance.
To increase your belief in yourself, you need to fill your subconscious mind with the positive thoughts and experiences of success. You can’t neglect to do this even for one day, or you will fall behind. Don’t put yourself in the position to play catch-up with your self-confidence.

The second is development of focus. Focus is one of the most powerful tools a person can possess. Even if you have a positive faith in yourself you must have focus to achieve greatness and success.
Al Ries wrote a great book, simply called Focus. Al used a laser beam as one of his examples. The amount of energy a laser beam has is very small. Most laser beams only have a few watts of energy. It is the process of focusing those few watts onto a very small area, which generates the power. It is because the energy is condensed to the size of the head of a pin that amazing things can happen, such as eye surgery without making incisions, the removal of cancer cells, and cutting through metal.
You can be like that laser through focus. You can accomplish more in less time by staying in the moment and being completely focused on the task at hand. Here is a technique to improve your focus. Break your day into smaller increments of time. You may only be able to stay focused for 20 minutes now. So break your day into 20-minute increments, with five to ten minutes in between. Do the activities in the outline in 20-minute increments of time.

Don’t allow distractions to creep into those 20-minute increments. Only do the activities outlined in those increments of time. Think only of the moment and work to focus in on the moment and the specific activity you are to do in that moment. Don’t allow anyone to distract you during your 20 minutes of focused time.

As you get better, and more skilled, at focusing you will be able to increase the focus time and decrease the break time. When most people evaluate their time, there is very little of an eight-hour workday that is focused time. The lack of focus time is why sales professionals often work seven days a week. It is because there is little focus time invested daily.
By having a positive faith in yourself you will be able to climb the mountains of life. Being highly skilled at focusing will enable you to do it with efficiency. If you learn to focus on what is most important to you, you will create the abundant life you desire and deserve.

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