Sunday, July 28, 2013

How To Make Your Dreams A Reality

We all got dreams. Some of us have small dreams and others have big dreams. I personally advocate big dreams since they allow us to reach a level of greatness. Nonetheless, we all have some sort of dream, regardless of scope. Life in my perspective is all about capturing these dreams and living out the life we always wanted.
Some people get discouraged by the obstacles in their way and others never seem to muster up the courage to get started. They die with a dream, they don’t die having lived out their dream.
These types of people are the pessimist of the world, instead of coming up with reasons that will inspire one to chase their dreams all they are concerned with is how it’s not going to work. They rarely make their dreams become a reality, so I advise you to stop hanging out with people of this nature and if you’re a pessimist yourself, BREAK OUT OF IT.
Regardless of how high you aim, the path to making your dreams become a reality remains the same to some extent. This articles main focus is on giving you some insightful tips on how to make your dreams a reality. I will break the process down into three steps.
These steps are apparent in every dream that has been transformed from a vision to reality. It probably resembles your dream to some extent, you will probably find that you are stuck on one of these steps. The key to making your dream come true is to abide by these steps and keep progressing.
Step 1. Develop A Clear Sense of Vision
This is the foundation of making your dream become a reality.
The skyscrapers you see around your city don’t get made with a snap of the finger. No, my friend. It takes years to build the foundation. The foundation is what you don’t see. It’s the structure that is underground that gives rise to these buildings. If there was no foundation apparent the buildings would simply not stand upright yet alone leap out into the sky.
The foundation is therefore the most important part, although it is underground and cannot be observed. The same goes for your dreams. Your vision is the most important thing. It directs you in the direction of your dream and makes it possible to be king of the world. Your vision should be a mental creation which plays continuously in your mind like a movie.
Play your vision in your mind and picture how great life is going to be once you have accomplished your dream. What are you going to be doing? How are you going to look? How is your day going to be? Walk yourself through this. Create your vision because it is only with the end in mind that we can achieve our dreams. If you don’t know what you’re chasing, you’re running a race with no finish line. Hence develop that vision.
To better fuel your gauges you can familiarize yourself with this vision on a daily basis. Don’t think that you can skip this step. Don’t be that building that tips over and crumbles to a million pieces because it was lacking a foundation.
Step 2. Develop An Action Plan
This step requires you to take some action and begin translating your dream from a mental creation to reality. Another important step. Without this, all you got is a dream, but by committing to an action plan of how you are going to make your dream become a reality you ultimately double your chances of achieving that dream.
Most people in life will never make it to this step that is the reason why they die without having lived out their dream. They get sucked up in the first step and don’t have enough balls to proceed to step 2. They’re usually terrified. Being scared is fine, but as psychologists have proven countless times, what we are afraid of is usually nothing to be scared of.
They have a term in psychology that is called social construction which explains how our reality is our own mental creation. Hence, our fears and such don’t really serve any weight in all actuality. Therefore it is a must that you commit to this step. Make sure you keep progressing.
Step 3: Follow Through
This is the last and final step. This step requires the most amount of time and effort. This is the step in which we see who wants it the most. This is where winners are crowned and losers are defeated. This is where you have to work your ass off and make your dream become a reality. This is when you have to follow your action plan and make that dream come to life.
The foundation has been set and the call to action has been established, the only thing left now is for you to go out and prove how bad you want to make your dream become a reality. Work like you’ve never worked before. Live like a new you. Reach your dreams and leave a legacy so when you die you’ll be one of those ‘lucky ones’ who got the chance to live the dream.

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