Sunday, July 28, 2013

Conquering Life In Bits

Life is not really about what happens to you, but how you respond to it. If you were to poll any social setting you would quickly find that more people than expected have endured severe situations and came out on the other side with a smile. How you may ask? By adjusting their thinking to understand two vital facts.
First, all of life is cyclical. We are all rotating through this life in between struggles and good times. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you make peace with life. Next, you cannot eat an elephant in one setting. Big problems become manageable when you break them down into bite sized tasks.
The common thread through all the successful people I have had the opportunity to collaborate with is this, they know how to manage their emotions in tough times. Often our tact and resilience falls victim to whatever is going on. The easiest thing to do in times of adversity is buckle under the pressure and wimp out. Here’s the deal, greatness is not for those who try to whine their way to the top! I want to share with you how you can add ‘back’ bone to your ‘wish’ bone and win in life.

* How you end your day has a lot to do with how it starts: Most of us have fallen into the habit of going to bed with the television blaring into our subconscious. Instead try to spend a few moments before you drift off rehearsing your accomplishments of the day and your goals for tomorrow. Or you can on purpose put affirmations into your mindset by speaking positivity. Remember, our minds are computers that are running all the time.

* Increasing your skill-set is easy if you make the time: I hear this complaint from a lot of clients; “I do not have time to study or get better at things.” That’s just not true! If you commute to work, you have time. If your kids take naps, you have time. If you get a lunch break on your job, you have time. The truth is, most do not make time for what’s really important.
* Don’t just sit there, do something… anything: We use the excuse of not knowing or the task being too big. No it isn’t. The sooner you get busy taking a bite here and a bite there, the sooner you can look back and see your accomplishments. Have you ever had a day with so much to get done it depressed you? So you sat around complaining all day and in the evening you realized you got nothing done. That’s because you didn’t tackle anything. Get off your butt and do what you can for the moment and watch the magic happen.

* Enlist an accountability buddy: It is statistically proven that more goals happen when you know someone else is checking on you. You increase your percentage for success when you share your goals with someone who will support you and most important, will hold you accountable. This is not a new concept for business or life. For decades successful men and women have used a support system to ensure things in their life get done.
If you drop into any bookstore across the world one of the largest sections will be the ‘Self Help’ department. Why? Because most people would rather read about how to change instead of changing. You don’t need a degree, a trainer or a specialist. All you need is the guts to get up and start today to do something about your life. I say it all the time, “Dreaming is free. But if you want change you are going to have to get up, shut up and get busy!”
See you at the TOP!

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