Wednesday, May 15, 2013

How does money look for you?

            It’s as simple as ABC.  Do you have anything of value that people need?  If you do, people with money will come after you to get that stuff while they give you the monies in their hands.  It’s very simple for the simple-hearted to think that they do not have anything of value.  That is not true.  Everyone was born with a gift for his or her generation.  Your gift is your money-making engine.  All you need to do is to develop that gift into a skill.  A skill is what people pay for.  God might have given you more than one gift or talent.  Recognize and develop them in the areas where you need to implement them.

            Once you have trained and developed yourself to the point of making the gift sellable, those who need the services will come after you.  It could be a product you have created, a service that you render; as long as there are people who need those things, they will come looking for you with money in their hands.  Repeat the circle in other areas, branch out and diversify and before you say “Jack Bauer”, you have become super-rich and left the class of the “Never have Enough” to the club of “More than Enough.”

You Have to Pay the Price
            There is a price to pay.  It’s not a walk in the park.  It’s not as easy as walking into a coffee shop and ordering for a drink or driving past McDonald’s for a hamburger.  It will require your time, energy and mind.  Discovering your gifts and potentials could take an educational pursuit not necessarily in a conventional institution but through informal means.  It would mean that you will need to read more books and develop a culture of continuous learning.  Nobody stumbles into wealth by accident; it is attained by deliberate and intentional effort. 

            There are seminars, workshops and training programs that are packaged everywhere all the times, including your city.  Seek to find out what they are all about and pay the required fee to learn what they have to teach as it relates to your search for unearthing your money-making potential.  If you don’t learn through the available means by getting proper information, you will remain where the vast majority of people who do not want to lift their fingers remain.  They may be good people, well-intentioned and intelligent in their own way, but they will remain poor.  They may be religious, prayer-warriors and holy people, but they will remain in religion, war in prayer and become monks in poverty. 

            If you want to be comfortable, able to meet your needs, leave a fortune for your children as an inheritance, it is time to pick up yourself, dust yourself up and find your bearing in the race for making money for good purpose.

            If this material has been beneficial to you and you are already getting angry with where you are in life and sincerely want to do something about it, then get in touch with this writer… I can get you started.  I have resource materials for you to begin to train yourself and carry out a seminar for one right in your living room. All you need is a laptop and an internet connection. The materials may cost you a little, but it will be worth your while.  All you need to do is to send me an email @ or and I will get you started on the most interesting journey of your life towards financial independence and peace of mind.  If you are in Nigeria, besides sending me a mail, you might want to call my direct telephone line 08066172669, 08153534422 so we can have a chat on practical terms as to how you can get started.  If however, you live in the Kano area of North West Nigeria, you may call at my office at No 9B Bompai Road, Kano.  But if it will be necessary, you can send me a mail so an appointment can be fixed for you before you meet me in the office.

            Nobody gives you money because they like your face; there is always a reason why people would want to give you money.  Waiting to help you get started!!!!!

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