Monday, May 13, 2013


A huge percentage of concerns that individuals, families, private organizations and corporate firms, governments of nations have in quantum boils down to money.  It is such a monumental issue because it is a means of exchange for what people need to get going in life.  No one can possibly survive without money to get things done.  The absence of money tends to make individuals lose confidence in themselves.  They feel less human and totally disoriented.  If you have never been in a place where you have so many things to do but have no money to get it done, you might not understand this. Even the Holy Book says “money answereth all things” and that “money is a defense”.

            As a result of this all-important role of money in life, there is a daily mad rush after money.  Check the highly densely populated areas in your city and you will find that the place is that much populated daily because it is a high value environment by which money can be made.  The busiest places in this world, I guess is the literal market place.  A lot of us do not pay close attention, but the next time you go to the market, the only language that is spoken there is money.  If all the noise around a particular city is to be deadened except the noise of money talk coming from inside the city’s market, you can hear the noise from 10 to 15 kilometers away.  Everybody is talking at the same time and the whole object of that hullaballoo is money.

            The most sparsely populated areas in a city during the day time are residential areas.  The residents have all gone to look for money: work, business places, and all kinds of places.  Money is the motivation for those criminals who rob banks and your houses.  Money motivates the politician to seek political office.  The politician’s intention may not be to embezzle but he believes that with money at his disposal to carry out projects for public good, he will feel fulfilled.  Money is the only subject you can vouch for in your mind that over 99% of people worldwide think about every day.

            The truth about money is this: money is hard to come by.  Not everyone gets all the money he needs.  There are only few people who have it in abundance but the vast majority of people barely survive on the little they get.  The question now is “how can I get enough money?”.  What can I do to move from the needy situation to the club of the haves?  There is a place for having more than enough money.  That place is where you don’t run after money, but money comes looking for you.  Until you get to that point, you will continue to be in want.

Watch out for my next post of which I shall tell you how to make money come looking for you!!!
or send me and email on for any assistance you may need to succeed in life!

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