Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Anything is Possible in 2013!

Hello Dear Viewer, 
This video is a must see for everyone who wishes to make progress in 2013.
Be patient and watch the whole video. I can guarantee you that your life will not remain the same.

How to Handle Challenges and Difficulties

Challenges and difficulties are a part of life and words of encouragement can often help you get out of your rut. It’s easy to tell someone to hang in there and to keep a positive outlook when they are going through tough times but when it happens to you, keeping your chin up isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Even so, it’s not impossible. There are a lot of things you can do to help you stand back up and move forward. Whether you’ve been dealt with a setback while working towards your goal, lost a loved one, or just feel down, inspirational words of encouragement can help.

Words can have a powerful impact on your mindset. Although we’ve all heard the saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me”, the fact is that words really do have an impact on how we feel. Often times, when things seem pointless, when you’ve just come face to face with yet another failure, it can seem as though it’s the end. It can seem as though no matter how hard you try, the life that you want will always be just out of reach.

During these times, some positive words of encouragement can help you shift your focus. When it comes down to it, how you feel is really just about what you focus on. What words of inspiration and encouragement will do for you is help you put things into perspective.
Who doesn’t go through failures, setbacks, and challenges? We all do. In fact, after you get through this challenging time, you will have more to come in the future. Although that sounds pessimistic, it’s also reality. Those who succeed in life and get what they want as well as those who are the most happiest aren’t people who never face difficulties. If anything, they probably deal with more challenges than most people. The thing that makes them different is how they respond and react to those obstacles

Make up your mind today to have a positive mindset in times of challenges and difficulties because they are just but a mirage. When you are able to stay through and resist them you get to find out that the challenges just paved way for more successes to come in the future.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Discover Yourself, Your Cosmos and Believe in YOU

If you believe in something, why not believe in yourself? Believing in yourself is the most vital aspect to becoming successful in life. You have to know your inherent strengths and weaknesses and build your capacity from your discovered strengths. Because God has put in each of us the ability to grow and become whoever we want to be!

In bad times, you need inspiration to motivate you out of the desperation and guide you in making the right choice in life so that you can achieve that which you so desire. Regardless of what may be happening in your life, it is vital to believe in yourself but how do you do that when you are depressed about it?

Here are some steps that will help you reach your goals and dreams by changing your attitude and getting inspired.

1    Have a positive attitude. Without the right attitude it is nearly impossible to go anywhere. Remember this saying; your attitude is like a flat tire until you fix it you are not going anywhere. So start out now and determine to have a good attitude about your circumstances whatever they are. Know that in every adversity there are opportunities for equal or greater benefit!
2    Get the inspiration. Once you have the right attitude, it is time to get inspired! Inspiration comes from your Why. Inspiration comes from inside you. To be truly inspired you need to seek to do what you love! Ask yourself searching questions. What is it you have always dreamed about doing? If you could choose to do anything what would that be? Inspiration is the fire that will burn through all of your fears. It will give you hope and faith. Inspiration will catapult you over the obstacles into your dreams.
3    Be motivated. Motivation will help you get started and help you follow through. Motivation can be sustained by creating a plan of action, working out a schedule and setting goals, and ensuring you implement those plans to achieve your set goals. But what will sustain your motivation? Your Goals and Successes!
4    Know your motivations. Why do you want to achieve a certain goal or financial status? What is your reason for setting a goal and working toward it? Is it you hate your job; you are tired of being poor? or your inability to pay you bills. What is your reason for wanting to change? Why do you want to start a home business or change careers? What is your why? You must know that your why must be so big nothing can stop it. At this level, you become unstoppable such that IDEAS start coming into your mind about how, when, where, what time it would take you to carry-out and bring about that which you so desire into reality.
5    Believe in you. The more that you work at helping others the more you will help you. Getting to know yourself is an important phenomenon in your quest to becoming successful in Life, getting to know your micro cosmos (world) is another crucial aspect to becoming successful, But getting to know the universe is the greatest asset you can ever have in achieving a successful life! Relax, because we are about to infuse into your mind an information that will change your life forever! Just keep visiting our blog because we will post how you can discover yourself and the universe.
6    Remember the magic word 'attitude' and become inspired to invest in yourself. You will find that with a slight change of view, opportunities are everywhere and the means to reach your dreams and goals is right inside you. What you need is a commitment to developing that talent in you.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


It took me 20 years of working from one place to another to realize that you can never be financially free if you remain an employee.  For shock effect, let me give you an idea of what I am talking about.  I started out working at a very young age of 15.  All of my educational pursuits after my High School was done on part time basis.  By the time I was 22, I had reached the first basic base of Higher National Diploma (HND) almost at par with a B.Sc. from a University.  

As far as I was concerned, the world was at my feet.  I was a senior staff at a multi-national company; Personnel Officer with many pecks.  A few years later, I was poached by a bank and I ended up in the banking industry for 8 years.  By the time I had logged in 20 years of hard labour working from age 15, I did an average check of my total income - all time.  Guess what it came up to: N2,700,000.00 (Nigerian Currency) and in US dollars it came up to $17,647.00!  That was what I was working 8 hours daily and over 40 hours weekly in 20 years!  I looked myself in the mirror and felt sorry for the person I saw standing there.  How was I ever going to become financially free?  At that point, I knew the best thing to do was to quit the job and use my skill set (and I have them in quantum) to create multiple streams of income.

I took a look at myself and I discovered I could write professionally (I had published 3 books and edited tons of publications for other outfits), I had the capacity to train people in management and leadership, I could speak, I have organizing skills and could become an event manager; I am a whizkid on the keyboard - I type more than 100 words per minute - that is a skill set all in a class of its own.  I had over the years acquired skills for professional proposal writing, feasibility studies and general consultancy on how to erect and manage a business.

These were enough to get me started and the first attempt I made at earning income was a consultancy job with a Church.  I was already an ordained minister and it was easy for me to fit into the system.  I had the task of starting their leadership institute and run it in its first few streams; it was done and I was on a monthly allowance for 12 months - the duration of the contract.  During this period, I maintained a client base for training, freelance writing and media consultancy - having also a skill in broadcasting.  By the time I was through with the Church contract, I found another stream of income to develop - eCommerce.  This is a whole world waiting to exploited in our climes and millionaires are being made in their numbers in the Western world.  I am at the moment positioning myself with relevant knowledge in this area.  

Why for heaven's sake should I look for a job again?  I didn't need a capital to do all these.  The best capital I had was the skill set I had developed over the years while working with the different organizations.  While I was an employee, I went beyond my call of duty because I had an inkling that one day I was going to be off the employee status and run my own show.  This made me a valuable employee even though it did not attract rapid promotions.  But wherever I had worked, I left a footprint and a vacuum that is difficult to fill.

Are you a graduate fresh from school?  Don't dream of climbing a corporate ladder, think of building a ladder yourself!  The beginning may be daunting and hard, but would you prefer the comfort zone of a salaried job than a future where you determine when you wake up and when you go on vacation?  Think of the future and pay the needed price today.  Are you an employee slaving it out for someone else?  It is time to put an exit date on the calendar.  

No nation's economy is ever built around salaried employment, but on the strength of the small and medium scale enterprises of that nation.  The GDP of every nation is predicated on the amount of entrepreneurial activities in the country.  Yes, we all cannot be business owners at the same time, but we must aim to own our lives eventually and employ others too.  Make that move today! Challenge yourself to action and start with what you already have which is in YOU!
For more help about how to get started, send me an email on

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

How does money look for you?

            It’s as simple as ABC.  Do you have anything of value that people need?  If you do, people with money will come after you to get that stuff while they give you the monies in their hands.  It’s very simple for the simple-hearted to think that they do not have anything of value.  That is not true.  Everyone was born with a gift for his or her generation.  Your gift is your money-making engine.  All you need to do is to develop that gift into a skill.  A skill is what people pay for.  God might have given you more than one gift or talent.  Recognize and develop them in the areas where you need to implement them.

            Once you have trained and developed yourself to the point of making the gift sellable, those who need the services will come after you.  It could be a product you have created, a service that you render; as long as there are people who need those things, they will come looking for you with money in their hands.  Repeat the circle in other areas, branch out and diversify and before you say “Jack Bauer”, you have become super-rich and left the class of the “Never have Enough” to the club of “More than Enough.”

You Have to Pay the Price
            There is a price to pay.  It’s not a walk in the park.  It’s not as easy as walking into a coffee shop and ordering for a drink or driving past McDonald’s for a hamburger.  It will require your time, energy and mind.  Discovering your gifts and potentials could take an educational pursuit not necessarily in a conventional institution but through informal means.  It would mean that you will need to read more books and develop a culture of continuous learning.  Nobody stumbles into wealth by accident; it is attained by deliberate and intentional effort. 

            There are seminars, workshops and training programs that are packaged everywhere all the times, including your city.  Seek to find out what they are all about and pay the required fee to learn what they have to teach as it relates to your search for unearthing your money-making potential.  If you don’t learn through the available means by getting proper information, you will remain where the vast majority of people who do not want to lift their fingers remain.  They may be good people, well-intentioned and intelligent in their own way, but they will remain poor.  They may be religious, prayer-warriors and holy people, but they will remain in religion, war in prayer and become monks in poverty. 

            If you want to be comfortable, able to meet your needs, leave a fortune for your children as an inheritance, it is time to pick up yourself, dust yourself up and find your bearing in the race for making money for good purpose.

            If this material has been beneficial to you and you are already getting angry with where you are in life and sincerely want to do something about it, then get in touch with this writer… I can get you started.  I have resource materials for you to begin to train yourself and carry out a seminar for one right in your living room. All you need is a laptop and an internet connection. The materials may cost you a little, but it will be worth your while.  All you need to do is to send me an email @ or and I will get you started on the most interesting journey of your life towards financial independence and peace of mind.  If you are in Nigeria, besides sending me a mail, you might want to call my direct telephone line 08066172669, 08153534422 so we can have a chat on practical terms as to how you can get started.  If however, you live in the Kano area of North West Nigeria, you may call at my office at No 9B Bompai Road, Kano.  But if it will be necessary, you can send me a mail so an appointment can be fixed for you before you meet me in the office.

            Nobody gives you money because they like your face; there is always a reason why people would want to give you money.  Waiting to help you get started!!!!!

Monday, May 13, 2013


A huge percentage of concerns that individuals, families, private organizations and corporate firms, governments of nations have in quantum boils down to money.  It is such a monumental issue because it is a means of exchange for what people need to get going in life.  No one can possibly survive without money to get things done.  The absence of money tends to make individuals lose confidence in themselves.  They feel less human and totally disoriented.  If you have never been in a place where you have so many things to do but have no money to get it done, you might not understand this. Even the Holy Book says “money answereth all things” and that “money is a defense”.

            As a result of this all-important role of money in life, there is a daily mad rush after money.  Check the highly densely populated areas in your city and you will find that the place is that much populated daily because it is a high value environment by which money can be made.  The busiest places in this world, I guess is the literal market place.  A lot of us do not pay close attention, but the next time you go to the market, the only language that is spoken there is money.  If all the noise around a particular city is to be deadened except the noise of money talk coming from inside the city’s market, you can hear the noise from 10 to 15 kilometers away.  Everybody is talking at the same time and the whole object of that hullaballoo is money.

            The most sparsely populated areas in a city during the day time are residential areas.  The residents have all gone to look for money: work, business places, and all kinds of places.  Money is the motivation for those criminals who rob banks and your houses.  Money motivates the politician to seek political office.  The politician’s intention may not be to embezzle but he believes that with money at his disposal to carry out projects for public good, he will feel fulfilled.  Money is the only subject you can vouch for in your mind that over 99% of people worldwide think about every day.

            The truth about money is this: money is hard to come by.  Not everyone gets all the money he needs.  There are only few people who have it in abundance but the vast majority of people barely survive on the little they get.  The question now is “how can I get enough money?”.  What can I do to move from the needy situation to the club of the haves?  There is a place for having more than enough money.  That place is where you don’t run after money, but money comes looking for you.  Until you get to that point, you will continue to be in want.

Watch out for my next post of which I shall tell you how to make money come looking for you!!!
or send me and email on for any assistance you may need to succeed in life!

Competition and Customer Loyalty

It takes about 20 times more energy to get a new customer as you will need to keep one you already have.  To keep a customer is to treat him with a measure of quality and excellence.  Whether the customer is an individual or organizational buyer, they all have expectations of the firm they deal with.  The basic determinant of whether they will become loyal to that firm or to a competitor is premised on whether those expectations are met or not.  This discourse is targeted at helping the participating firms to meet and exceed their customers/clients’ expectations.

The Effect of Competition

Who is a competitor?  Someone who produces and/or sells similar products to yours is your competitor.  All such companies involved in similar trade are in competition.  You are all in competition for the customers’ money; striving, trying to outperform one another, etc; but the choice of who to stay with, is the call of the customers to make, but you can help them.  Never let your competition shows your customer a better product than yours!  Do you want to avoid losing your clients to your competitors?  Then help them avoid seeing a better product in your competitor’s.  How?  Make your product the best in the market.  The same principle applies to both new and existing products/sellers in the market.  There are key areas you must focus on to keep your customers.  These will be examined shortly.

Why Customers Quit

1% die
3% move away
5% other friendships
9% competitive reasons (price)
14% product dissatisfaction, but
68% quit because of an attitude of indifference towards them by some employee.

A research conducted by Stanford University revealed that, money made in any endeavour is only 12.5% by knowledge, and 87.5% by your ability to deal with people.  John D. Rockefeller said, “I will pay more for the ability to deal with people than any other ability under the sun”.  Besides several other factors that could take your customers away and give them cheaply to your competitors, the attitude of your employee, or people who relate with customers matter the most.  Customers consider themselves your most priced assets, and they want to be treated as such.  Anything short of this, meets with a beckoning from competitors.

The single most important ingredient to the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.  Always realize that, any activity you engage in is capable of being a benchmark with which customers evaluate you, particularly in the earliest stages of their contact with you.  That is the customer’s privilege, not yours.

Do you want to have an edge over your competitors with regards to the battle for customers, then have an edge first, with your company attitude.  The customer has no business differentiating one person from another in your firm, every singular misbehavior by any one is seen as company misbehavior.  Customers don’t even see their own wrong, the company must just have a perfect attitude.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

How to gain customers’ confidence and keep them

1.      Establishing contact with customers is a vital part of any company’s success.  The ability to maintain a welcoming environment involves a combination of the physical environment and the way the staff members communicate with the customers.

2.      Make sure you acknowledge and greet your customers within 3-4 seconds, as this is how long it takes for them to make a first impression on you and your business.

3.      Greet your customers with a smile and a ‘hello’; this will make a huge impact on the rest of your service.  If a customer is not acknowledged and does not feel welcome, they will leave the business and go elsewhere.

4.      Keep in mind the quality of customer service can never outweigh the quality of the people who provide it.  By making sure you keep those who work for you happy will ultimately improve the quality of service and experience your customers have.

5.      Treat your customers how you would like to be treated; its an easy principle.

6.      Management should lead by example, and set the standard.  If the management leads in excellent customer service, the customers will notice it every time.

7.      Try to remember your regular customers; welcome them back; make small talk of how they are; what have they been up to?  This builds rapport and makes them special; use their name.  Their regular attendance pays your wages.  Treat them with the respect they deserve.  You will keep them happy and returning to your business.

8.      Go out of your way for your customer, if they are after something specific, do everything you can to get their needs met.  For example, if a customer wants a specific product and you don’t have any left, make the effort to track one down from the warehouse or another store.  They will be really impressed and happy with the excellent service they have received and will return to your business again.

9.      Train your staff in proper customer handling procedures so everyone in the business is consistently providing the same high standard of service.  All staff needs to be trained how to handle difficult situations as this will add an overall good impression of the customer service your business provides.

10.  When you are hiring staff for your business, you want to make sure you are employing people who can fit in with your customer service standards.  Someone who can is not afraid to talk openly, smile, and be approachable.  The mistake some companies make is hiring people because they are desperate.  In turn, employ people who are not suited for the customer service industry, which in turn will hurt your business and reputation.