Friday, September 13, 2013

Mind Control is the result of self-discipline and habit. You either control your mind or it controls you. The most practical of all methods for controlling the mind is the habit of keeping it busy with a definite purpose, backed by a definite plan. 

../Dale Carnagie

He who would be useful, strong, and happy must cease

to be a passive receptacle for the negative, beggarly, and impure streams of thought;

and as a wise householder commands his servants and invites his guests,

so must he learn to command his desires and to say, with authority,

what thoughts he shall admit into the mansion of his soul.

../James Allen

Do you ever feel like you are always talking yourself out of success?  As soon as you start to set goals for yourself, are you suddenly seized with those nagging thoughts about how you really are not up to the task, or how you simply aren’t qualified enough to see it through?

If you have ever experienced either of these situations, then you need to change the way you respond to your inner dialog.  Instead of obeying your negative commands, you have the power to use positive self-talk to counteract the negativity and overcome nearly all of your anxious thoughts.

Setting Goals and Sticking to Them

Are you usually initially filled with excitement when you first set new goals for yourself? Are these thoughts then quickly followed by self-doubt and self-defeating thoughts that stop you in your tracks before you can even really get started? It can be difficult to make the most of your life when you are constantly the person talking yourself out of being a success.  It can be frustrating and discouraging to have these thoughts constantly plaguing you. Many people, in fact, don’t even realize that they have them! All they can see is  that they don’t seem to have the confidence to stick to their plans and reach their goals.

But there is another way!

Positive self-talk is an effective way to set goals for yourself and ensure that you stick to them, even if you have never been able to accomplish this before.  The way this works is that you decide what goal is important to you, and then you plan the logistics of how you are going to attain that specific goal.  When self-doubt starts to kick in, you will respond with affirmations that prove your success without surrendering to the negative pressure. Since you are still reading this post, it’s clear that you are no quitter and you are certainly not a failure, so it is time to start believing in yourself!

Re-Program Your Mind

Affirmations are essentially positive statements that re-program your mind, or change your mind,  for the positive. The moment you have a self-defeating thought you would be able to counter the negative with a positively motivating statement. An example of a positive affirmation is: “I am worthy of great success,” or “I see myself in the winner’s circle.”  What this does is replace negativity with thoughts that will help you stay up and stay motivated while moving toward your goals instead of further away from them.

Positive self-talk is so much easier to implement than most people think. You may not be fully aware of the severity of your negative inner dialog currently going on inside of your mind. But, once you begin with positive self-talk, you will suddenly realize that you have been self-sabotaging the goals you set for yourself from the moment that you make them. This process will open your eyes to exactly how much this inner conversation has been interfering with your life and where you would like for it to go. You will begin to feel hopeful that you can now set goals and meet them, and even surpass them.

 Through positive self-talk you will be able to easily set long and short-term goals for yourself. And when you use affirmations, you will have access to tools that will help you push yourself further than you have ever gone before. Learning to quiet the negativity with positive thoughts is a great move toward setting and attaining future goals with ease.

Success Doesn't Come To You, You've Got to Go For IT

People today have placed their hearts and minds on pursuing their wishes simply to get up all dissatisfied. All of us want to be successful but for some reason we are most often lacking the objective. We look around everyday of our lives for a means to success while ignoring the truth that God has created us a success. We struggle for survival amidst plenty. I must tell you my friend success is in YOU, sit back, relax and take a deep breath while you expose yourself to the most powerful success information you need to change your life forever!

Achieve Success!

Achievement usually eludes many individuals. Much like the unavoidable pot of gold right at the end of the rainbow. Dissatisfaction could be killer to the people, They relax and ponder what on the planet they did drastically wrong. They could have a solid perception in that pot of gold, but a dream by itself can't help make your visions a real possibility.

You might have studied numerous books and put into practice many of the principles and dreamed of your self as being the effective individual that you'd like to become. You might be really clear and that is certainly a very important thing. But, “Without a clear vision people end”. The dilemma continues to be that picturing yourself as the successful person that you want to be is just not sufficient. What exactly are your desires? Precisely what are your desires for future years? Have you written them down?

Your Dream Journal to Achievement

If you could be anything that you wanted to be and go where you wanted to go, who would you be? What would you be like? Where would you be living? I really want you to take a couple of minutes now and get the exact answer to these questions. Be as precise as possible to help you imagine these points as currently being real right now. Crystallize these values in your thoughts. Please don't be unfaithful right here, this is definitely an essential exercise, now go and write the answers down on a notepad, or even better in a journal. You may call this your Dream Journal to Achievement. Now think about this: What should I do to be able to live the life I dream about?

Making Your desires a reality

What must I do today to make my desires a reality? The first task is to ensure you never put off the vision too far in the distance. Please don't survive on tomorrow’s sunshine. There isn't any miraculous formula that's going to produce your desire. There is absolutely no quick path that will take you towards the Financial Freedom. You have to realize that the way to achievements is full of challenging hits, and this is fact.

You'll be able to attain your goals only when you systematically be well prepared to receive them. Moreover,you may need to consider you can receive them. This requires preparing. No degree of wishful thinking will bring you what you wish. Your vision could possibly be really clear but with no strategy it is merely a fantasy. It is advisable to program your life to achieve the final results you desire. It is advisable to set targets for yourself. I understand, you can't stand the idea of setting goals, but until you put it down on paper and provide it a time frame, it is not going to take place. I assure YOU.There is absolutely nothing magical in making your ambitions a success. In every single circumstance SUCCESS can be done piece by piece until finally your road block is moved and you achieve that success you've always dreamed about.

Visions & Dreams: My Secret Weapon For Success

My Secret Weapon for Success
I thank God for all those tough times and obstacles in my life; it is because of them that I am now enjoying the life of my dreams! By overcoming the difficult challenges in life, I discovered a few secrets to success and happiness.
First, life requires meaning – one which is greater than you. Though we all work for some level of personal gain, I try to make sure that the benefits that result from my efforts are shared with others. I believe that one way a person can achieve greatness is by believing and ensuring that one’s accomplishments benefit others as well. You do not have to be a hero to save the world; it can be as easy as working for your community or even your neighbors.

Once we realize we are part of something larger than ourselves - that what we are doing is indispensable not only to us but to those we love – the difficulty of the task becomes manageable. We will become more excited about the project and concentrate better. With this new perspective, it is no surprise that the task is more likely to be achieved. Instead of letting my work drag me along, I lead my work by giving it meaning and direction.

Never discount the power of your imagination. Since childhood, whenever I felt overcome by hardship or disappointment and felt like giving up, I used my imagination as an escape. Whenever I felt that life was unfair, I often imagined myself becoming a justice seeker, a “Korean Robin Hood” of sorts. I would catch and punish villains and save innocent victims. I derived great satisfaction from imagining the anguish and regret on the villains’ faces.
Most of all, I loved to imagine the faces of the once helpless victims, overcome with respect and gratitude. Soon, the gloominess disappeared, and the darkness was replaced by brightness and hope. I felt reinvigorated – like I could overcome any obstacles in my path. Most importantly, I knew that the purpose of my current pain and difficulty was to better prepare me for the future and make me stronger.
I also imagined what it would be like when my dreams became a reality. I imagined myself becoming a PhD, my childhood dream, triumphantly returning to my hometown where I would be welcomed and praised by everybody.
Many years later, I learned that many success-strategists referred to this as the power of “visioning.” They strongly recommend that anyone who aspires to succeed to visualize his or her desired future as vividly and as often as possible. Those success-strategies were right!
My imagination and “visioning” not only helped me overcome the tough times; but they made me imagine just how great life can get. My visions became a reality – one that is even brighter and grander than anything I could have imagined!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Four Key Qualities Every Job Seeker Should Have

In most cases there is no such thing as the perfect candidate; we are all unique individuals and everyone comes with a different combination of skills, experience and qualities.
As a result it is very rare to find that perfect fit. Having said that, there are common characteristics that employers always look for when they are planning to take on new recruits. It doesn’t matter what sector or business you are talking about - if people are able to show that they possess these key attributes then they will always be in demand.
Here are four key qualities that I always look out for when I am planning to take on new people in one of my businesses:
It is one of the most obvious questions to ask in an interview but there is a reason why people want to know where candidates see themselves in the future. The point of asking the question is to assess just how ambitious an individual really is. It stands to reason that an ambitious company wants like-minded people working for them. As a manager or chief executive you want people alongside you who are going to share your hunger, otherwise it is impossible to build the successful company you envision.
Ask the question and most people will tell you that they are a self starter, but it is actually quite tough to find people who have the right personal drive and can work under their own steam. The simple fact is that every manager wants workers who have the initiative to organize their workload and go about their business without the need for constant supervision. These people are a key component of any successful organisation, not just for their professionalism, but also because they set a good example for those around them.
This is true for most employers but particularly those in a service based industry. Providing quality customer service is what sets these firms apart from their rivals so it is vital that the staff are totally committed to the cause. They need to have a real dedication to what they are doing. As somebody who has spent many years in recruitment, I can usually tell which people are going to be the top performers purely through their attitude. Someone who is prepared to stick at it even when times are tough, and who will go that extra mile for themselves and the company is a huge asset.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to stand out in the modern world so someone who has a little bit of personality can make a big difference to the atmosphere in the workplace. Of course they need to be a team player, and nobody wants to work with someone who rubs people up the wrong way, but there is nothing wrong with mavericks and strong characters. These are the people who stand out in a crowded room and can often push your business on to new heights. A good team always has a combination of many different character types and the most important thing is to get that blend right.
Things like qualifications and capabilities are always high on the agenda when recruiting – after all, you want somebody suited to the technical requirements of the role. But the four qualities mentioned above are character traits, and for me these are every bit as important. There have actually been times when I have brought people into my business purely because they had these qualities. They weren't necessarily the most qualified on paper, but they ticked the right boxes in terms of character.
Many candidates go into interviews and are keen to emphasise their skills. This is fine, but if you can also show potential employers you have most of the qualities listed above – preferably with examples – you will almost certainly become a more attractive candidate.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

5 Ways To Set Goals And Achieve Them

Goal setting and achievement is an enjoyable task to carryout. But to the uninformed, goal setting and achievement is an almost impossible task. Kindly follow the steps below to keep yourself motivated and i can assure you that anything is possible for you. Don't worry about the challenges you may face, just stick to your plans as to how to achieve your goals and you would definitely achieve them. If you succeed, set another that is higher but  achievable, stick to the plan of execution and keep winning! Find below the steps to achieving your goals.

1. Set realistic goals for yourself. Make a list of your top priorities each day and goals for each week and each month. Knowing what you are trying to achieve makes getting there more attainable and realistic. Make sure your goals are manageable and within reach-or you may risk setting yourself up for disappointment or burning yourself out.

2. Manage Your Time. No matter your goals, having the time allotted to work towards them is key. Being self-motivated entails setting up a daily structure and sticking to it. Promising yourself you will work on your goals from 5-9 p.m., or allotting 2 hours a day, each day, can make all the difference in making progress or slacking off.

3. Learn to Deal with Setbacks. With any endeavor, setbacks are to be expected-however, knowing that doesn’t make dealing with them any easier. Finding the line of when to start over and when to push harder is something you must find (be careful not to get too caught up in a bad idea that you can’t cut it loose when its time).

4. Think Outside the Box. Too often we set-out on new ventures or decide to really achieve a dream yet we revert back to what we know doesn’t work to get us there. The structures of confinement during the normal 9-5 didn’t work to motivate you then, so why would it now? Maybe before beginning your tasks going for a jog first helps to clear your mind. Possibly  conference calling some friends to brainstorm ideas gets you the push you need. Finding your own source of clarity and creativity is what will make success possible.

5. Keep Educating Yourself. Having to motivate yourself can get quite tiresome and secluded.  Follow updates regarding your area of interest- from current news to new white papers. Stay on top of trends and keep educating yourself to remember why you set-out to accomplish your goals. Obtaining fresh information and ideas will keep you from growing disinterested.
Becoming self-motivated takes discipline and these 5-steps will help get you to success. Remember, self-motivated people are valued-so learning to push yourself will supply you with a great asset. After you have achieved your goals, you can begin to inspire others to do the same based on the procedures you implemented.
See you at the top!!!